Backcountry Discovery Routes: Ep. 33 Rider Magazine Insider Podcast

Inna Thorn, executive director of BDR, and Tim James, BDR's board president

Ep33 Rider Magazine Insider Podcast BDR Backcountry Discovery Routes

Episode 33 of the Rider Magazine Insider Podcast is brought to you by Fly Racing. Our guests are Inna Thorn, executive director of Backcountry Discovery Routes, and Tim James, BDR’s board president and creative director. Backcountry Discovery Routes is a non-profit advocacy organization that creates off-highway routes for dual-sport and adventure motorcycle travel. Started in 2010, BDR has created 11 routes, many of them south-to-north routes that cover individual states in the West, along with two multi-state routes in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. The Wyoming BDR was released in 2022. We talk with Inna and Tim about BDR’s mission, the resources it provides for ADV riders, including free GPS tracks and route information, and what it takes to complete a BDR successfully. For more information, visit

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