The Progressive International Motorcycle Shows (IMS) has announced the dates and cities for its upcoming 2017-2018 tour. The IMS Tour will travel across the United States, stopping in seven major markets to provide enthusiasts with an inside look at the latest motorcycles, gear and products, as well as showcasing family-friendly motorcycle entertainment.
The 2017-2018 Progressive IMS Tour dates and cities are as follows:
- Long Beach, CA: November 17-19, 2017, Long Beach Convention Center
- New York, NY: December 1-3, 2017, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
- Minneapolis, MN: December 8-10, 2017, Minneapolis Convention Center
- Cleveland, OH: January 26-28, 2018, I-X Center
- Dallas, TX: February 2-4, 2018, Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
- Chicago, IL: February 9-11, 2018, Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
- Washington D.C.: February 23-25, 2018, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Several new show attractions will also be added to the upcoming tour, including a new lifestyle section, an adventure and travel section and fresh stage content. This will accompany fan-favorite attractions such as the stunt show, Win Play Vote, IMS Vintage and more.
To learn more about the Progressive International Motorcycle Shows Tour, visit
Disappointed. …. Nothing is in the Southeast. Atlanta, Jacksonville, Orlando, Miami? ?? Why?
Because fewer and fewer riders were attending.
Nothing in the Pacific North West neither? And they wonder why motorcycles sales are down?
Nashville? Hot chicken, yes. IMS, no. Unfortunately there are no 2017-2018 dates in the Southeast.
I am planning on Long Beach in November.
used to be great to go when it was in San Mateo, CA
An e-ticket ride.
I agree , at least the 2nd yr the bay area gets screwed…..there is one Nov 6 in Sac. Don’t know why it’s not listed….
What happened no more shows in the the Bay Area California
Don’t see anything in Sac since 2015. The show has been going downhill since it left San Mateo; actually since it left the Cow Palace. From 10 cities to 7.
Why aren’t you doing Michigan anymore?
There is a big show coming up in Novi Michigan soon. Last time I attended was a few years ago (I think it went away for a while). I was a really good show, and just as nice as the Progressive show.
Some years back, Indianapolis also was on the Progressive tour. The show was way smaller than the Chicago chow that year, with several brands not present. (Royal Enfield, Moto-Guzzi, Url come to mind.
Just to be clear, “we” (Rider magazine) are not affiliated with the Progressive International Motorcycle Show series, we are just reporting this year’s dates. As for the “why isn’t there a show ______ ?” questions, motorcycle sales are slowing–for a lot of reasons. And the economics of putting on a massive trade show like each of these are formidable. Expo companies are in it for the profit, not just out of the goodness of their hearts. Attendance at the shows which were dropped from the schedule was likely in decline and they were no longer profitable. That’s business. Let’s just hope the remaining shows keep seeing decent attendance numbers, or they might disappear completely!
That’s like saying, “ever since we stopped having the show in your general area, no one goes to it anymore.”
Gee, I wonder why?
Don’t shoot me, man, I’m just the messenger. 🙂
Hi Jenny. Nice to see The Hoosier State get some attention. Nice story.
It’s just like typical corporate policy. Cut, cut, cut instead of invest and try. New York still has a show but I can tell you, as a local, my whole life we got excited when it was in February. We were cold and sick of winter. The holidays were over. football was over, we were looking towards the spring, we couldn’t wait to start thinking about our motorcycles again, and really looked forward to the show. Now, they have it in the beginning of December when our season has just ended. We’re thinking about the holidays and not our motorcycles. Poor decisions just make a tough situation worse.
Not to mention the costs have sky-rocketed, especially for the vendors. As a vendor in the past, as well as a stage presenter, it’s really tough to justify thousands of dollars and deal with the frustrations of not even being allowed to plug in your own electrical socket. Talk to any of the vendors these days and they will tell you they used to come because they loved it and it was a good investment. Now they dont like coming or losing money, but are only there because they are afraid to not be.
Just a few years ago there was an entire row of track day providers and schools in Long Beach. It was really cool. I just went to Long Beach and there was one school and two track days. Ugh. And, there are no more educational stage shows that applied to everyone. Now its just how to build a carburetor or crankshaft. Nothing I care about.
Eric, would smaller, more vendor-friendly venues make a difference? Maybe in smaller cities?
Is it true Ducati will not be at the NY show?
Not only was Ducati not there, neither was Triumph. I really can’t imagine why, I would think they would love the exposure.
Denver, CO is sorely left out of this. Seems to me NY, CA, IL, TX, FL and CO should be the locations with a little rotation in cities in these states. This captures the largest cites in the country and equally represents the geography of the nation. Currently, Minneapolis is the closest to Denver at over 700 miles away as the bird flies.
Non e in Phoenix again. We still ride !
The 2017 Minneapolis show was absolutely terrible! Yamaha, KTM, Triumph, Ducati and many more did not attend. I usually enjoy the convention, but this year was awful!
I Have been attending the New York Show for about 5 years now. Tickets were 20 dollars and even with my 4 dollar discount coupon was not worth it. The Venue has gotten progressively smaller over the years and this year was definitely the smallest. Many Vendors were not present this year. The more these Expo’s raise their prices, the smaller the crowds and the smaller the Venue. I can understand why Vendors no longer want to attend. Raising prices will bring less Vendors and visitors to the show, not more. Also, having the show in December was a bad move, maybe they thought that people would want to get a nice motorcycle for Christmas. Have the Show in March or even April, and give the Vendors as well as the Visitors a fair price, or else don’t do the show.
Will Triumph be at the Progressive Motorcycle Show in Clevland in January 2018?
So, I guess you have to live out West or go up North to see the show. It’s not like we don’t have year-round riding in Florida. Maybe I’ll see a Browns’ game while I’m in Cleveland.
I have to call bullshit on the low attendance thing . the last year I believe they had a show in Atlanta was 2008 or 9 . I used to go EVERY year , it was one of the things I looked forward to every year . So they stopped our show when the entire country was in the shitter , then never cared to bring it back . I know it wasn’t cycle world , or Rider magazines . But with all the money progressive spends on advertising , they could afford to try to get more people back on two wheels . I know people came from all directions to the Atlanta show , hell I even drove to Greenville one year . It wasn’t that great but it was a show .
The economy is picking back up , give us another chance progressive , how about it next year .
Thanks in advance
Looks like most of you are not aware of the motorcycle industry numbers. Sales have dropped year over year for some time. And attendance has dropped for these types of conventions as well. The pocket book has too many other choices now. The signs are all there and you peeps have already pointed them out. (low attendance, fewer vendors, fewer brands, etc.) Trust me, if the money was there, they would be too. Or maybe they don’t want to make money? NOT! You can’t keep cooking lunch if nobody is buying.
We get that Seattle is not central so there hasn’t been a show in several years. But why can’t you have the Jan & Feb shows in a warm city??? We don’t want to fly to NY , DC or Chicago in the winter! This is blizzard season! Those cities should have the show in Nov, early Dec before the hard weather hits. Need to have them in CA, AZ, FL or TX in Jan & Feb. Wish they would have a show later in the year too… late spring. Then we could easily travel anywhere without getting caught in horrific weather.
No shows at all in south Florida??!!
Nice to see the show in Washington D.C.! I hope to see more ADV bikes here this year as there is not a single rental shop around the District or Baltimore that has ADV bikes for rent. Sad. Come on Mid-Atlantic dealers, get on the the ADV wagon and let the Baggers ride their 800 lb lumps of Chicago Iron on nicely groomed asphalt (if you can find some around here)!