event, which raised more than $131,000 for the
PBTF. (Photo: PBTF)
Southeast Texas was hammered by torrential rains last week, but the skies cleared in time for the annual Houston Ride for Kids on April 24.
Motorcyclists brought more than $131,000 in donations for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation’s research and family support programs when they gathered at the Humble Civic Center.
The 40-mile ride through rural areas east of Houston was held in honor of local brain tumor survivors Calvin, Charlie, Ethan, Garrett, Javier, Kaitlyn, Malcolm, Noah, Robert and Trent. Many of these Ride for Kids Stars and their families rode as VIP passengers in the event.
After the ride, participants heard from the Stars and top fundraisers were recognized. The program emcee was DJ Kevin Quinn of 104.1 FM KRBE.
“We want to thank you for the research you’ve funded because it’s why my son stands here today,” Star Ethan’s dad, Kris, told the crowd. “I’m grateful to have another year with my son.”
Donations are still being accepted online at www.rideforkids.org/houston. Fundraisers will receive incentive credit through May 24.
The next Ride for Kids event is in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina on Sunday, May 1. Sign up today and ride with us to cure the kids!