Greg Rice: Ep. 29 Rider Magazine Insider Podcast

Ep29 Greg Rice Rider Magazine Insider Podcast

Our guest on Episode 29 of the Rider Magazine Insider Podcast is Greg Rice, a long-distance rider who has logged more than 783,000 miles on motorcycles. He’s a member of the Iron Butt Association and has completed nearly 200,000 miles on IBA-certified rides. Greg has ridden nearly 50,000 miles in Iron Butt Rallies, and he has completed 70 Bun Burner Gold rides – on each BBG he rode more than 1,500 miles in 24 hours. We talk about how he got into long-distance riding, how he plans and prepares for each ride, what motorcycles he has ridden, what modifications he makes to his bikes, and what gear and apparel he uses. If you’ve ever wanted to do an Iron Butt ride, listen to Greg’s advice on how to do so safely and successfully. Visit his website for useful tips and to find out “where’s Greg?” using his SpotWalla tracker.

You can listen to Episode 29 on iTunesSpotify, and SoundCloud, or via the Rider Magazine Insider webpage. Please subscribe, leave us a 5-star rating, and tell your friends! Scroll down for a list of previous episodes.

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