Q: Why don’t the manufacturers put magnetic drain plugs in motorcycle crankcases? They are in rear ends on shaft-drive bikes. I know rear ends don’t have filters but debris can still get in the crankcase between oil changes. One company does have them but not in a size to fit my Honda CB1100. Best I can tell it is a 13.5mm plug. – Ace Miller, Apollo Beach, Florida
A: You don’t see OEMs using magnetic drain plugs on the engine because they’re not necessary. On modern forced-lubrication motors the oil is pumped through a filter that removes particles as small as 25 microns. (For reference, a human hair is about 50 microns in diameter.) The filter scrubs the hard ferrous stuff a magnet would pick up as well as softer non-ferrous debris like aluminum, clutch-plate fibers, bits of carbon and other crud. That said, a magnet is effective at snagging all ferrous material regardless of size, but only if it’s in the right place. So rather than using a magnetic drain plug that just sits there at the bottom of your oil pan, you’d be better off using an oil-filter magnet like those sold by Motion Pro (motionpro.com). These thin, donut-shaped discs sit under your filter so they’re right in the flow of oil, ensuring they snatch up every errant particle. If you’d still prefer to put a magnetic drain plug in your CB1100, an M14x1.5 bolt will do the trick.
My 2013 KTM 1190 Adventure came standard with two magnetic and gauzed oil drain plugs, forward (crankcase) and rear (gearbox). My 1290 SA S is identically equipped.
Here’s a photo of the plugs:
And a video describing an oil service (close-ups of the plugs occur around the 2:40 mark):
My 16 BMW r1200rs also has magnetic drain plugs for the engine/trans and final drive.
There is usually some fur on them, more when new and less now with 40k on the clock.
I would advise bikers w/o magnetic drain plugs to buy them. Plenty online i bet.