Indian Motorcycle Releases Spirit of Munro Short Film

This new short film captures some of the enthusiasm, work ethic and commitment of those connected to the Indian Motorcycle brand through the Spirit of Munro tribute motorcycle. Below you will find a link to the film itself as well as a behind-the-scenes mini documentary that lets you visit with some of the creative people behind this work.

Jeb Scolman of Jeb’s Metal and Speed in Long Beach, California, built the tribute to Stuart Munro around a prototype Thunder Stroke 111. Jeb did so with three solid months of 18-hour days, taking only Christmas day off. It will be on display in Sturgis this summer when the new Indian Chief is launched.

Todd Eagan accepted the challenge of riding the untested bike on the dry lake. The complete film project was shot in only two days. This is the first motorcycle to be publicly seen powered by the Thunder Stroke 111.

Indian Motorcycle – The Spirit of Munro film and behind the scenes videos:


  1. The Munro short film by Indian was beautifully done!! It captured the essence of what Burt achieved. It was even more impressive because I viewed the “The World’s Fastest Indian” (2005) starring Anthony Perkins who portrayed Burt Munro– a truly well done movie.

  2. Now we have the support for the Indian marque that it deserves; not just a bunch of fat asses sitting around a board room scheming how to milk money by exploiting the Indian name and goodwill from days gone by.
    My hats off to the Polaris company for, first of all seeing the great potential of the “legend” of the motorcycle and to stick the investment cash into bringing it up to today’s motorcycle standards.
    When Gilmore Indian went down, my opinion was: Harley should pick up the brand and do something with it (example Microsoft vs Apple).
    I’m pleased to see those dumb head up their asses at Harley, truly missed their opportunity by investing in Italian sport bike companies squandering millions and their chance to do something with Indian or put it to sleep forever.
    Way to go Willie G.


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