Back in ’07 Karyl Lammers, who runs a shop in Paso Robles selling aftermarket motorcycle stuff, called up the Chamber of Commerce and asked if she could promote a little sidecar exhibition in the City Park during an arts & crafts show. The park was certainly big enough to allow this, and the CoC was quite enthusiastic, as it would attract even more people. A success it was, and here we are in the 6th year of the event, and over 30 hacks showed up, along with a dozen or more vintage motorcycles.
That’s a ’78 Honda CB750A (Automatic) hooked onto an ’83 California Sidecar, owned by Alison Herson of Atascadero.
That is a real vintage bike—a ’37 61″ Crocker; since Al Crocker only built about 60 of these OHV V-twins in the late 1930s, they are extremely rare.
Clipping a sidecar onto these relatively frameless ST1300s is hard work; Terry Brown has a Hannigan Bandito on his, brother Jerry has a California Friendship.
The only motorcycle company that currently produces a sidecar as well, including a model with two-wheel drive, is the Russian-made Ural.
This Harley-Davidson owner wanted to allow the passenger easy entrance and egress, and bolted on an ’06 Motorvation.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way—as the owner of this Victory Vision proved by finding a way to bolt on the Hannigan.
Looks like fun. Even though leaning into turns is the best part of riding a motorcycle for me, I still think it could be fun to have a sidecar outfit to take my dog Norton for rides.
I have been going for 3 years, born and raised the Paso. It’s always a treat to ride from Sacto down Hywy 1 to stay the weekend and hang out for the day in my ol park. Ride out of town on some back roads and you will be delighted. Thanks Clement for taken the time to visit with Me.