Can-Am is in its fifth year as title sponsor of the Road Warrior Foundation, working alongside the organization to provide adventures to wounded veterans – many of them first-time riders. The biggest annual event is the Road Warrior Ride, where Can-Am and the RWF take a group of young, wounded veterans (both male and female) on a cross-country ride on Can-Am Spyders.
The 2018 Road Warrior Ride took place in late October, and the group rode from San Jose, California, to San Antonio, Texas.
Also, every year Can-Am donates a Spyder to the RWF for their use in fundraising. This year they customized it and then were invited to participate in the Las Vegas Barrett-Jackson auctions, where the one-of-a-kind Spyder sold for $186,000.
The best part? All of that money goes directly to providing adventures to veterans, as the RWF is 100 percent volunteer-run.