A year and a half after completing the Sisters’ Centennial Ride commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Van Buren sisters’ epic cross-country ride in 1916, ride organizer Alisa Clickenger made another exciting announcement. She, in partnership with Robert Pandya of Spokespeople, LLC, will be organizing and leading another milestone cross-country ride that celebrates the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment giving women in America the right to vote. The ride will take place in 2020.
In a similar fashion to the Sisters’ Centennial Ride, the Suffragettes Centennial Ride will cross the country over the course of three weeks, ending in a triumphant and celebratory entrance into Washington, D.C. There will be multiple ways to join the ride throughout the U.S., or a limited number of spots will be available for a nearly all-inclusive full three-week experience.
Sign up for the mailing list and stay up to date on details, including registration which will begin in 2018, here. The full press release is posted below.
Suffragettes Centennial Motorcycle Ride Announced for August 2020
A ride celebrating the power, freedom and unity of American women on the centennial of the right to vote.
Progress is measured in big and small ways every day. A formative step towards the equality of Women in America was the passage of the 19th amendment of the US constitution allowing American women equal vote in fair and free elections. Progress continues on to this day and will be celebrated in August of 2020 with the Suffragettes Centennial Motorcycle Ride. This cross-country ride is dedicated to all women who have fought for equality in the voting booth, in business and in life.
The Suffragettes Centennial Motorcycle Ride 2020 (SCMR2020) is a female-centric multi-route cross-country motorcycle ride. The primary routes depart from the West Coast and arrive in Washington, D.C. approximately three weeks later. Major cities across the country will be announced as starting points for rides that will join into a single large group as they roll towards Washington, D.C. The ride will benefit several charities that service female interests across the US, and will be broadly shared via social media and editorial coverage.
Riders will have the option of registering for a nearly all-inclusive three week tour, with other options for shorter rides. Each ride will feature unique points of interest, historic locations and will wrap itself in the majestic scenery of the United States. SCMR2020 is being announced early to inspire women to brush up on riding skills, learn how to ride and to set a goal to join what will surely be an legendary group making a powerful statement.
The event is being managed by Alisa Clickenger of Women’s Motorcycle Tours in partnership with Robert Pandya of SpokesPeople LLC. “I have been hosting rides and events for women for many years after discovering the freedom and sisterhood of riding, and I am humbled and inspired by the Suffragettes,” says Clickenger. “Two summers ago I produced the Sisters’ Centennial Motorcycle Ride to celebrate the bold American attitude and confidence of the legendary Van Buren Sisters ride in 1916. The Suffragettes Centennial Motorcycle Ride is intended to honor and increase the appreciation for how far women have come, and how far we will go.”
“I have been involved in women’s riding initiatives for my entire professional career,” says Pandya. “SCMR2020 is going to be a great and meaningful event, and will arrive in Washington, D.C. with the strength and power that only a women’s ride can deliver. I know that this ride will be transformational for every participant and I know it will inspire women for generations to come.”
Those wanting the latest information on SCMR2020 can sign up for a mailing list at http://eepurl.com/c-_Viz . Updates will be sent regularly in the coming months. There will be limited entries into the three-week Full Ride Tour program, with other shorter ride options as well. Registration will start in 2018.
SCMR2020 is open to sponsorships and activation opportunities, and we’ll be tailoring each ride to create the most compelling experience possible for the participants. Interested organizations and companies can connect with the SCMR2020 team at Info@CentennialRide.com and www.centennialride.com
A complete website inclusive of the general route, inspiring stories of female riders, resource listings such as riding schools, female-friendly motorcycle media, apparel guides and more is being developed and will launch in the coming months.
“This is an exciting and epic idea! It’s going to have a lot of moving pieces,” says Clickenger. “I know that our team will deliver a unique and historical ride that will ignite women across the country. I am so excited to once again ride with mothers, daughters and sisters who share the vision and who choose to live an inspired life!”