Motorcyclists in Missouri and North Carolina revved it up for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation at Ride for Kids events on August 21, raising almost $66,000 in total.
In Missouri, more than 200 people joined the event at St. Charles Community College to show their support for local childhood brain tumor survivors Andrey, Ashleigh B., Ashleigh H., Brian, Courtney, Daniel, Isabelle, James, Jamazia and Josh.
They also heard from Dr. Josh Rubin, a neuro-oncologist at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.
“Pediatric brain tumor research is miserably underfunded,” Dr. Rubin said. “It’s because of the funds you all raise and the great work done by the PBTF that we are marching forward to better treatments and hopefully a cure of this deadly disease.”
The St. Louis Ride for Kids raised $38,778 for the PBTF. Read more and donate at
The event in Asheville, North Carolina, drew close to 200 riders to the WNC Ag Center. The Ride for Kids Stars were Connor, Hannah and Matthew, a former PBTF college scholarship recipient who is now a father.
“Bikers have the biggest hearts of anybody I’ve ever met,” Matthew said. “I’m a 14-year survivor because of the funds you raise. I’m able to live a normal life and have a son because of you.”
The Asheville ride raised $27,050. Read more and add to the total at
The next Ride for Kids event is August 28 in Framingham, Massachusetts. Sign up today and ride with us to cure the kids!