In its first new-model announcement of 2021, Honda introduced the all-new CRF300L and CRF300L Rally dual-sports as well as updates to the Gold Wing.
“Honda listens to its customers, a fact that is highlighted in our latest new-model announcement,” said Lee Edmunds, Senior Manager of Powersports Marketing for American Honda. “In the case of the Gold Wing and our smallest street-legal CRF models, the 2021 iterations reflect improvements that were highly requested by people who ride them every day, and the motorcycles are better as a result. We look forward to customers getting the chance to experience the updates themselves.”

2021 Honda Gold Wing and Gold Wing Tour
The 2021 Honda Gold Wing expands on the goal of long-distance touring luxury with updates aimed at greater comfort and convenience. The Tour model’s top trunk is 11 liters larger, offering 61 liters of storage and easily accepting two full-face helmets. Total storage capacity has grown to 121 liters.
Read our 2021 Honda Gold Wing Tour DCT First Ride Review
The passenger seat’s backrest features a more relaxed angle, thicker foam and a taller profile. The seat has a suede-like cover with an enhanced appearance, and the Gold Wing has colored seat piping for added color contrast.

A number of audio improvements were incorporated, including upgraded, 45 watt speakers with richer audio, optimized automatic volume-adjustment level and a standard XM radio antenna. Android Auto integration joins Apple CarPlay integration, and the rear turn signals are now all red for a clean, stylish look.
The 2021 Honda Gold Wing models will be in dealerships in February. Pricing and color options are summarized below:
- Gold Wing Tour Air Bag DCT: Candy Ardent Red; MSRP $32,600
- Gold Wing Tour DCT: Candy Ardent Red, Metallic Black; MSRP $29,300
- Gold Wing Tour: Candy Ardent Red, Metallic Black; MSRP $28,300
- Gold Wing DCT: Deep Pearl Gray; MSRP $25,100
- Gold Wing: Deep Pearl Gray; MSRP $23,900
For more information, visit powersports.honda.com/street/touring/gold-wing.
Have u moved the pegs forward and the bars back, the new bike is sport tourer like the gtl, I just sold mine, you can’t ride all day in that position . I sat on the 2020 and the body position Is a deal breaker, honda again ignoring their market, over 50 yo Americans with bad backs and knees. I had an 2006 loved it
Thanks for the comment. Are you saying that it is not as comfortable at your 2006?
I have wondered about that, Im thinking about a 2021, most of my rides are long ones. This could be a deal breaker.
I traded my customized Valkyrie for a new Wing, drove it 40 miles first night took it back first thing in the morning, they said they sold my trade already, too late! My legs were cramping in that position, I had the Valkyrie just right
Yikes!Like Joni Mitchell sung….”you don’t know what you got til it’s gone!” BTW, do you believe that the dealer had your trade-in Valkyrie already sold? Or do you think that they didn’t want the hassle? I hope you find something that works for your needs. Good Luck!~General T
I wish I had my 1983 Gold Wing right now, but instead of carburetors, an EFI system. That bike was one of the last of an era. Simple enough yet a touring gem.
Try to find an 86 Aspencade SE-i with the Electronic Fuel Injection system. I loved my 84 Interstate! I should have never sold it!
I’m the opposite. My back needs to have my legs under me. The foot forward position puts all the weight on the back while the mid position allows the legs to support you. If Indian made a Challenger with mid mount controls I would buy it but all the mid mount control touring bikes are only made by European and Japanese brands.
You can buy aftermarket mid mount controls. My son just bought a Challenger and mid controls were on his “must” list.
Agree the bars are too far forward for someone under 5’10”. I installed HELIBAR adapters which bring the bars closer by approximately 1.5 inches.
I guess they only listened to complaints regarding the lower capacity of storage in the bags and trunk. Been wanting and waiting for the right seating position since the 18s, they need to realize the Wing customers, as a group, are older on average and accommodate them.
This 6’4″ 50 years plus rider completely agrees regarding the riding position. Granted I’m in the 95th or so percentile in height but jeez why can’t the seat be adjustable aka BMW and why can the pegs be optioned with different riding position?
I sat on a 2020 Goldwing, and there is just no way that is going to work for my near lifetime troubled knees. So – I bought a non-current new 2017 VFR 1200x. That works. Just say’in….
BS I have had a 2005,2010 and now a 2018 Wing. It is lighter faster and more comfortable. Haters are gonna hate. Ride you Wing Whale 01-17
Now come on people, what more do you want? Honda has given it new 2021 tour model a new “suded-like” seat cover with colored piping, red tail lights and audio improvments. What more do you want? A bike you can ride across counrty? Across your state? Come on lets be reasonable, how many wing riders really go touring now a days? I know acording to Honda the number is very few, most just do the HD profiling picture thing and then go home. Not go touring.
All people on HDs don’t just profile. I ride my bike only on weekends and still do about 20k miles a year, have a few friends that ride even more than me.
David – fully agree. I don’t think my HD ever saw a coffee shop unless it was in the next State or Province! 18K miles a year!!
You must be retired and I would guess living in an area that is not frozen for 5 months a year. It’s hard to log 10k when you have a full time job and snow is on the ground.
I rode my Triumph Rocket III Muscle bike from California to Florida twice! First time with no windshield and a broken collar bone. I ride long distance and was looking for a good bike. Not a fan of HD ( old technology). Was considering a Honda goldwing, but you all convinced me to keep looking elsewhere.
Try out a bmw r1250 rt. I’m 67 years old and its the most comfortable cycle I’ve had. I also ride long distances. My buddy has a 2016 gold wing and we swapped bikes for about an hour. I couldn’t wait to get back on the bmw but he didn’t want to go back to his gold wing! Plus the better handling and performance of the bmw is a whole other story. I can’t speak for the newer and lighter gold wings though, although I know they are still heavier and slower. Also I’ve had a bunch of Japanese bikes and they make great bikes.
I bought a BMW R1200RT 3 years ago and love every minute I’m in the saddle. Light (under 600 dry), handles great (been on some of the best roads New England has to offer), comfortable for all day rides and it fits comfortably in my garage along with it’s cousin, a 1994 BMW K1100LT with 124k miles.
My list of “likes” is MUCH shorter than “dislikes” for this new Wing. Forget the old model (’12 thru ’17). This is a sport tourer, a bigger ST 1300. Short on wind protection, short on seat comfort. It does not hold track in your lane like the old bikes. It seems “darty” to me. The jury will be out on this new engine (longevity/reliability) until we start seeing 200K plus miles on them. This number is no even unusual on the ’01 thru ’17 Wings. Also, maintenance is more often and if you have a DCT, more expensive. Do you pull a trailer? Imagine going in to a Dealer for warranty work on the DCT when they see your trailer hitch. Honda is not notorious for honoring warranty issues already! Have you looked at rear brake pad replacement on the DCT with it’s parking brake? The cost of adding a CB? Honda had a steady market for the Wing…older gray-haired riders with the time and money to buy new and RIDE. I really don’t understand the move Honda made. I have owned 4 GL1800’s, and I hope the ’13 I have now will last until I stop riding.
Back in the late ’70s & early ’80s, Honda’s ad slogan was “Follow the Leader He’s on a Honda!” Well it’s not always easy to follow the leader especially when the leader is seemingly tampering with an icon. Perhaps in the case of the lastest 6th gen iteration of the Gold Wing can be seen as a glaring example of tinkering with success. Not sure if the ‘Wing faithful realize that Honda spends a considerable effort and time with redesigning the models. And as Billy Joel sung; “Gettin’ it right the first time that’s the main thing. Getting it right the 2nd time that’s not the same thing. and I feel Honda has had considerable success with getting it right for over 40 years with the Gold Wing. That is until the 6th generation 2018 model.
Sooooo, what happened with the 6th gen idiration? How is that Honda, with all it’s prowess come up short of the mark with the latest GL? Or is it indeed really off the mark? Since this model debut some 45 years ago so much has changed. And not just with the advanced technology but also with marketing. Many critics and pundits agree that Honda is targeting a younger demographic as they probably understood that the previous generation target market had matured. In order to achieve that, Honda no doubt decided to redesign the new ‘Wing by building smaller, lighter, sleeker. Shedding that “road sofa” image.
Time will tell if Honda got it right with this younger demographic strategy. Love it or hate it just like when the original 1975 Gold Wing debut, there is no doubt that with the 6th gen, Honda has once again built a real Tour de Force!
I have an 09 Goldwing. I have loved it. It was a great two up tourer. But I have always felt it was too big. When the new one came out, the reduced luggage space was just too much for two up touring. My wife and I are very good packers, but the new bike made that impossible. The 21 hits the sweet spot. Have already traded my 09 in for a 21. Am very happy.
I didn’t know they have them at the dealers yet?
My first Gold Wing was a ’76 with aftermarket bags, fairing, heel-toe shifter, etc. – completely decked out for touring. Had it for 13 years and took bike trip vacations every year before selling it and buying an ’89 1500cc Gold Wing. Had that one for 25 years, put 184k + miles on it before trading it in for a used 2010 Gold Wing (my first EFI bike). I was also considering a BMW R1200RT and a Yamaha 1300 sport touring. I ride a lot when the weather permits in northwest Ohio. The reasons I ended up with another Wing are: A) with all the updates BMW & Yamaha made, I would have had to purchase their most recent models to be happy; B) BMWs are more costly to maintain and the closest dealership is an hour away; and C) the Wing uses regular gas and the others need premium grade – $.50 – .60 more/gal each fill up. And, as my wife says, I’m on the cheap side. If gas sales were what they used to be – $.20 difference between regular and premium, I might have tried one of the others. And I still might! I love my Gold Wing BUT my back aches more and quicker now that I’m 67 yo.
I have a 2019 Tour DCT, but don’t ride it much at all (2 years old and only 3K miles). It is too small and too hi-tech for me.
My 1998 Wing SE (my second one… first was sold with 94K miles, replacement is now up to 56K miles) is much more to my liking. If the Automatic would only fit my 1998, I’d ride that much more, but my clutch hand doesn’t work like it did on the old manual transmission. So I’m stuck with an old bike I no longer feel safe on, and a brand new bike I that don’t like and don’t ride. $36K total spent for the 2019 1800 (everything Honda makes for it) and it’s all going to waste.
I’d buy another GL1500SE if Honda would make one of those with the DCT! A better bike IMHO.
Do they offer a driver backrest for the new wing? That is the only way I could put in an all day ride, even on my 81/84 & 88. They all had back rests on them, because of my bad back. We drove down from Markham Ontario Canada to Chattanooga Tennessee for a rally loved every minute of it.Enjoyed every mile. Comfort was key. If the new one is as uncomfortable as you. all are saying I won’t be buying a net wing. Maybe an Indian? I am 63 now and have been riding since I was 16. Had a bike before I had a car,the. Goldwings were the best by far. Time will tell I guess.
I’m not a hater – I’ve owned Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha & now ride an Ultra Limited. I did not test ride a Wing before I bought it, but I did sit on a few while I was shopping. For this 5’8″ 60+ year old, the HD felt much more comfortable & is an easier reach to the ground while stopped. I’ve done a 6,300 mile loop out to the west coast, then to the east coast & then back home in Ohio & also rode it out to Sturgis & back. A few of those days were 700+ miles. I know it isn’t as fast, but for me it was a no brainer.
Looks like if your older , should be looking used for better comfort
My first ‘Wing was a lightly used ’82 model, bought in ’83 with only 4k miles on it. An Interstate. I was 22 years old, then. Rode it to a rally, and people asked what I was doing on my Dad’s bike. lol
Next was an even more lightly used ’83 Aspencade, (764 miles, yes, really) bought in ’84. Rode that one till it had 124k on the clock, and sold it to someone who wanted it VERY muchly, indeed.
On to the ’89 Wing, and on that one, I logged over 200k miles and 39 U.S. States.
Now? I have one of the very last ’84 “Naked” Gold Wings. GL-1200 STANDARD. I’m bringing it back to near-mint condition, but I’m having ALL the fun riding it. I did check out the 2019 Wing, but alas.
If I wanted an ST-1800, I would’ve begged Honda to make one, such. Any of you beg for one, either? I didn’t think so.
I am 66 and I buy a 2018 DCT wing, I also own a 2012 wing and I have to give credit where credit is due. 1 Wind protection the 2012 is better but not perfect I added Tulsa windshield and baker air wings. 2 Luggage space is larger, with that said I put larger windshield on my 2018 added bakers air wings and I pull the same trailer with the 2018 that I pull with my 2012. The seat on the 2018 for me is the only weak link it’s not as comfortable as the 2012. I must say that I like the 2018 better. What I am hearing are the same compliants that I heard when honda introduced the GL1800 in 2001. Ride the new wing the suspension is much better (my wife even like it better) L love the new technology. Also as you get older those days of riding 900 miles are few and far between, face it guy we can’t ride as far as we used too in one day. I also have a 1986 Cavalcade that I purchase new it is top heavy but I got used to that and it is the most comfortable bike I have ever ridden. Have owned ridden the Kawaski , Yamaha and Honda GL1000, GL1100, GL1200 and the GL1500 all were good for that time and now the 2018 which is just as good as any Goldwing that I have ever owned. Smaller is the new way just look at the cars same thing. In with the new out with the old.
History may someday score this new Wing right up there with the Edsel. Honda “knew” its rider base was aging, so they appealed to the younger crowd. Didn’t anyone tell them that new people are entering the “older” generation every day? Well, at least the lucky ones are!
I and my son (37 at the time) anxiously awaited the new Wing in 2017. I had a ’94 Wing. My son has a ZX14, an FZ1, a Triumph Thruxster, and a ’95 Wing. He, like many of us, knows the difference between a sportbike and a tourer.
When we saw the 2018 Wing, we both started searching for a 2017. He found a new ’17. I found a ’15 anniversary edition lightly used. Neither of us is willing to get a crappy seat and no storage to have an ST-1800 with a radio.
Sure, some of the glitz is nice. Who doesn’t want an electric windshield? But read the reviews. Much of the other stuff barely works. Nobody likes the navigation. And three years to get it talking to Android? Sorry Honda/Edsel, you blew this one big time!
I appreciate the input on this forum. Guess I won’t be buying a new Gold Wing, after all, inasmuch as 60 years old is just around the corner. I need to give back and knees TLC.
I own a 2022 Honda Goldwing DCT…. Most comfortable ride ever! Have owned HDs, Suzuki VStrom, Triumph and KTM Adventure bikes, and nothing comes close to the Goldwing in comfort…. and sport mode will make you feel alive for sure. I laugh about some of the comments about much older GW models. I mean come on, Honda has added several throttle responses, cruise control, heated grips, heated seat, key fob with electric locking of all compartments at once, and the display with digital info combined with old school speedometer and tach is perfect for our 60ish old eye sight. And the mid controls are much better For lower back issues, and you can always add aftermarket highway floor boards. I will admit that Honda cheated me out with basic foot pegs, instead of floor boards (aka Harley Fatboy)…. I will be adding floorboards soon. Added backrest easily. The engine roars, and sport mode puts you back against the backrest like a rocket! But then Econ mode makes my wife happy. I still own a Triumph Tiger adventure bike and a scrambler and a Yamaha YZ dirt bike for fun….. sold all my Harley’s….. The 2022 GW is a Cadillac on two wheels.