Paul Pelland, also known as Longhaulpaul, set his third world record by riding a 2018 Yamaha Star Venture for 24 straight hours on a dynamometer, while raising $18,500 for the multiple sclerosis charity MS Views and News, Inc.
Longhaulpaul’s “Nonstop to Nowhere” event was broadcast live on Facebook in a telethon-style fundraiser as Pelland rode his Yamaha Star Venture at freeway speeds on a dynamometer for 24 straight hours with no rest breaks or stops, traveling an estimated 1,674 miles.
The event offered a variety of entertainment including Pelland playing guitar, eating bugs and raffling off $3,600 worth of prizes, all while seated on the Star Venture. Thousands of viewers from around the world tuned in throughout the broadcast, with hundreds of donors contributing $18,500 to MS Views and News, funding educational programs for people living with multiple sclerosis.
After being diagnosed with MS himself, Paul began a million-mile journey raising awareness and funds as he toured the United States on two motorcycles Yamaha donated to the cause—first a Super Ténéré adventure bike, followed by a Star Venture touring bike. After 6 years, he has ridden 350,000 miles, raised $150,000 for charity and has shared his inspirational story with over 250 audiences across the country.
Donations for this event are still being collected at
For more about Longhaulpaul, his fundraisers, or this event, visit Follow his journey on Youtube, Facebook and Instagram @longhaulpaul.
Paul is the Man.
This is just one of the records he has set. Also big props to Rob’s Dyno for letting him run up the clock on his dynamometer.
I was diagnosed in 1996, before symptoms started. I am a pianist, suddenly unable to open my hands wide enough to get 8 keys. Nobody in my family had MS, nor my grandparents. Last year a cousin younger than me had MS, she is 40. I have primary progressive MS. I do not walk for the last 18 years, I was born in 1962. I have had 6 strokes and 1 heart attack.The Rebif (beta-1a) did very little to help me. The medical team did even less. After roughly five unending years of trauma in the family my MS developed into progressive. There have been many changes in the last 3 to 4 years. Many falls, many fractured bones, and three moves all in five years. I have gone downhill. Considerably. We tried every shot available but nothing was working. There has been little if any progress in finding a reliable treatment for Multiple Sclerosis, I started on MS Herbal Treatment from Kycuyu Health Clinic, the herbal treatment immensely helped my Multiple Sclerosis condition, i had huge improvements. My life is back. I Adhere anyone reading this to try natural approach.