Zero Motorcycles has announced its “Don’t Wait For Washington” program, which offers a cash rebate matching the expired Electric Motorcycle Federal Tax Credit, in the event the tax credit is not renewed after 2017.
To help encourage sales of electric motorcycles, the U.S. government has given buyers a tax credit equal to 10 percent of the purchase price, up to a maximum of $2,500, through the Electric Motorcycle Federal Tax Credit. That tax credit expired at the end of 2016, and while it has been renewed every year since 2013, its future right now is in doubt.
So Zero has decided to take the initiative and show prospective customers how committed they are to the e-bike movement (and send a message to the government that e-bikes are an important part of our future). Here’s how it works, per Zero’s press release:
- Purchase or place an order for a new 2017 model Zero motorcycle at an authorized U.S. Zero dealer between May 12th and July 4th, 2017.
- If the U.S. government renews the Electric Motorcycle Federal Tax Credit by the end of 2017 and it applies to your purchase of the Zero motorcycle, file your taxes as normal and take advantage of your tax credit from the IRS.
- If by December 31, 2017, the Electric Motorcycle Federal Tax Credit is not renewed or replaced with a Federal tax credit of equal or greater value, Zero will send you a check for 10 percent, capped at $1,869, of the purchase price of your bike in the first quarter of 2018.
- No incentive will be paid by Zero should Congress enact a new 2-wheeled plug-in tax credit or equivalent program by December 31, 2017 that has an equal or greater value than the 2016 Electric Motorcycle Federal Tax Credit and applies to purchases made during the Program term.
- In the event that a new Federal tax credit applicable to Zero motorcycles purchased during the Program period is introduced at a lower rate than the 2016 Electric Motorcycle Federal Tax Credit, Zero will pay cash back equal to the difference between the new tax credit and the value of the 2016 Electric Motorcycle Federal Tax Credit (10 percent of the purchase price, capped at $1,869).
For more information about the Don’t Wait For Washington program, visit
To speak up about the issue and contact Congress (via Plug In America, which has partnered with Zero for this initiative), click here.