Mississippi Riders Raise $25k for Kids Fighting Brain Tumors

Star Matt is all smiles in Mississippi. (Photo: Ride For Kids)
Star Matt is all smiles in Mississippi. (Photo: Ride For Kids)

Mississippi motorcyclists showed their support for local children with brain tumors on October 23 in Ridgeland. More than 110 people joined the event at Holmes Community College to cheer on Ride for Kids Stars Joseph, Lane, LeKevian, Matt and Sutton.

The motorcyclists rode on the Natchez Trace Parkway through Madison and Rankin counties before returning for a celebratory program.

Special guests included retired motocross champion Kevin Windham and film crews from LA Rider and WJTV News Channel 12.

The event raised $25,000 for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. Learn more and add to the total at www.rideforkids.org/mississippi.

The last Ride for Kids event of the year is October 29 in Torrance, California. Sign up today and ride with us to cure the kids!


  1. Man that is great.We had our state meeting…Combat Vets. Motorcycle Association…in N.Trace st. park two weeks ago.All of Tenn. Motorcycle riders as Vets. or on poker runs what ever,we show a lot of heart.I am proud to be in that number.Ride safe.


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