Speed-Way Motorsport Shelters are secure, private, miniature motorsport garages with a retractable “roll top” feature that allows immediate, easy access to your motorcycle. The Speed-Way shelter has a high-density polyester waterproof cover and a powdercoated steel tube structure for rust protection. The cover keeps out weather, dust and debris, with cross-ventilation to prevent condensation. Locking hardware is built in and an LED light is included, which mounts to hardware inside the shelter for night access. Also included are two straps on each side for securing the tent to the ground in high wind. Available in two sizes: a Standard/Sport model ($325.95) and a Touring model ($425.95).
Call (831) 477-9660 or visit speedwayshelters.com
(This New & Cool item was published in the September 2014 issue of Rider magazine.)