Dale Coyner’s 'Essential Guide to Motorcycle Travel, Second Edition'

The second edition of Dale Coyner’s book Essential Guide to Motorcycle Travel is full of the collected tips, tricks and advice from seasoned travelers and experts from the motorcycling community that help to maximize the ride, while minimizing lessons learned the hard way. In sharing their experiences and his own, Coyner offers the wisdom riders need to plan their own dream trips, accessorize their bikes, outfit themselves and their passengers, and deal with contingencies as they arise, whether out for a day-trip on home turf or a riding vacation in another part of the country. The 189-page, full-color paperback book retails for $27.95.

See your local bookstore, call (800) 531-1133 or visit whitehorsepress.com

(This New & Cool article was published in the May 2014 issue of Rider magazine.)


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