Where were you in ’72?
Or how about 1965, when those little Honda step-throughs were everywhere? Now you could get a motorcycle, because your mother was not afraid of it. Heck, your mother even wanted one herself.
Cool thing about those little Japanese bikes is that they grew up, right along with you. They got bigger and faster, and a lot sexier. By the time the Suzuki Hustler or the Kawasaki Triple arrived, those tough guys on Brit bikes were no longer pulling up beside you at red lights. Then came the Honda Four and next the Kawasaki Z1. Fergedaboudit!
You know where you were in ’72, and sometimes you wish you were still there.

Don’t worry, the Motorcyclepedia Museum will take you there with Kaizen, the first exhibit in America dedicated exclusively to classic Japanese motorcycles. “Kaizen” is a Japanese word that means “beneficial change.” It is also the business philosophy of constant incremental improvement that enabled the Japanese to revolutionize the world motorcycle market.
So join us, as we travel back to ’72 and earlier to see the bikes you had and the ones you wish you had. Kaizen opens September 7, 2012, in New York. For times, directions, and more information, go to motorcyclepediamuseum.org.
Kaizen is a creation of the Antique Motorcycle Foundation. For more information, visit www.antiquemotorcyclefoundation.org.